Social bookmarking can help you! Here’s why…
Social bookmarking is a great way for people to interact around the world. It is a service which provides individuals with a virtual “file-cabinet” of web pages they wish to bookmark. One of the best features of social bookmarking is that people can save their favorite sites on one page accessible from any computer with internet access and a hosted social bookmarking site, and interact with other tagged sites. Key words can be “tagged” and commented on. It is clear that social bookmarking sites have come a long way adding new features such as bonus points for users and positive ratings for those who are actively participating on the site. Social bookmarking sites are absolutely a great way for people to interact virtually and share thoughts on topics of interest!
There are so many social bookmarking sites in today’s day and age that it seems difficult to chose which one to use. Well here’s a little bit of help… One of the Pioneers in the social bookmarking trend is a popular web site a twist off to that site is an up and coming social bookmarking tool labeled I found this site to be unique amongst its competitors with features such as reward points. Mixx calls its “reward points” Karma points based on positive activity. These points encourage users to act as though they are part of a respected community of peers which are all sharing thoughts and interacting as though in a galaxy of “bookmarked” sites. The coolest feature I found users would love on this social site was that its database links related stories to one another. This allows an individual to search for one topic and be attracted to a similar related topic… expanding exposure to all who post.
Many influential people throughout the world are looking towards technology to help get their message across to the masses. Social bookmarking sites are by far one of the most accessible and fastest ways to connect with web fans. Even the Dalai Lama is using twitter!... HA if that is not a trip then I don’t know what is… and if it were not for I would have never known. By just viewing a category of tags labeled top stories and clicking on the tag Dalai Lama I was able to see a link for more information. Thanks to mixx, comments from fellow users were also posted and available for viewing.
Do you have power photos you want to share with the world... Mixx can host your tagged pictures as well. Ever snap a photo of some of the worlds most powerful people?... these users found some photos of President Barack Obama. Powerful if you ask me. The thought of tagging videos, photos, blogs, web sites and so much more in one community of social networking is astonishing and will remain that way as long as these sites continue to thrive. But what makes Social bookmarking attract powerful leaders?... is it the message being transmitted via internet? or the power of the web reaching out to multitudes of people? Who will ever know... all we know is that the trend in this day and age is social bookmarking tools and why not jump on board, you never know your voice may be heard!
Fighting the Deep State
18 hours ago
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