Wednesday, April 22, 2009

future impact of research

Research in the field of power and genocide prevention is ongoing. It never fails for new topics to pop up throughout the world political scene. A scene which demonstrates a constant shift of power and a struggle to obtain it. Regions such as the Middle East including Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel and Palestine are constantly in a power struggle. As long as the world goes round there will be a study of powerful people changing history.

In terms of a future impact of research it is very promising. In the field of genocide there is a large group of scholars who yearn to understand what triggers political violence. Researchers from all backgrounds include psychology programs are concentrating on unraveling genocide. Genocide has multiple pre-determinants such as setting, timing and crisis milieu as well as the psychological aspect of parallels of marginality. By realizing and uncovering the reason why people act the way they do; motivational triggers, the world will become a safer place.

With this research I am hopeful that society can prevent another genocide from happening again because life is too valuable. The future of power shifts do not look to become any softer in the upcoming decades however long term it looks like the seeds are planted and the world is headed in the right direction. Currently with the economic crisis impacting a multitude of countries worldwide it is a dangerous time. The world community must continue its search of understanding what causes genocide before it appears again. The world is on the edge at the moment as countries such as Egypt, Lebanon and areas of Africa are ready to explode. Despite the current situation I am hopeful for a world of happiness. No one can say it better than John Lennon, “All we are saying... is GIVE PEACE A CHANCE.”

Monday, April 20, 2009

open post 2

The power to be influential is unique on multiple grounds. The power to change history forever classifies an individual in another category. Gaining power can be a quick processes or can build in and of it self on a slow timescale. However when applying these same techniques to recognize power outside of humanity and into technology we can see the power of the internet emerging at a pace unheard of before present day. The internet has in fact been the most powerful technological invention of modern day.

With the internet people are able to collaborate in a variety of ways. Using social bookmarking sites such as Delicious or Diigo it seems that those who have the most readers are in fact the most powerful. A common characteristic of a power position is often the spread of a message. A message that will change the way people feel, think, act and operate. The internet has allowed messages to be transferred around the world a million times faster than old times when a telegraph was the only alternative.

Web 2.0 has created a powerful wave which is taking over life as we know it. Everything has been affected by the web in a variety of ways. People don't go on dates until they read their profile online, you can select your groceries and have them delivered, and malls have been replaced by online shopping. Society is becoming more and more powerful as people have to work less frequent to satisfy their needs, Is it a good thing?

The key feature which really sets the internet apart as the most powerful technological advancement of the last two decades is the information. As great scholars such as Richard Dekmejian point out, power is where the center of knowledge. The web has allowed for information to move across the planet with lightening speed. Any kind of information is available to an individual who wants to obtain it. People have become smarter do to the internet and it has transformed the world forever. Imagine life without the power of the internet?


Thursday, April 16, 2009

open post!

The web is a like a tiger in a jungle; untamed and adventurous. As the web has evolved over the years since it creation, which today seems as if it were the stone age. The web use to be filled with simple tools and very basic needs. Now and days those needs have been advanced and people need to do work faster, fry's electronics is aware of this as anyone from the computer geek, to the occasional web surfer is rushing in to buy more RAM. With increased speeds came increased capability. A capability to create add-ons, advanced software's and applications which have become a tremendous resource to the average person.

Schools have complete had to change curriculum with the electronic boom. The Web has impacted all levels of education from pre-school to PhD programs. Software such as is needed to prevent plagiarism because such a difficult thing to do a decade ago is now as easy as 2 clicks of a mouse.

Web designers and IT specialists are creating new tools for society to use everyday. But is our life better with the evolution of resources such as Wikipedia, googlepedia or evernote?... It sure is easier! The newspaper is somehow becoming a thing of the past as every piece of daily life seems to have switched into the electronic world. A world that is ever growing and expanding faster than society can imagine. The future holds great development in the web-based world and widgets will continue to make every facet of our lives easier.


Monday, April 13, 2009

wikipedia.... the ultimate web 2.0 tool.

I have switched gears recently and decided that world leaders and their interaction are very often documented by web 2.0 applications. A common and often overlooked function is This is a free encyclopedia which is constantly being updated and edited by thousands of volunteers worldwide. seems to be the LeBron of web 2.0 tools receiving 684 million viewers last year!
Power is what makes the world go round. World leaders can make the world ponder the influence of power. With the introduction of web 2.0 to the masses some years ago tools such as Wikipedia have offered a valuable source of information. For instance when a user searches for any powerful world leader they get an array of background information that is otherwise not known to the reader. This is of utmost importance as politics is a game of context and timing. One may never understand the way decision are made in present day without taking a look at the history of the subject. Wikipedia allows a user to quickly understand any topic, idea or world leader with the click of a button and has completely revolutionized learning in a web 2.0 world.
Wikipedia got its name from two different stems one being “wiki” and the other being “encyclopedia.” This unique term coined as “Wikipedia” is a transition from the ordinary “encyclopedia” to a new era web based application which incorporates collaboration for a higher standard of information. Wikipedia has been around since 2001 and is a online search portal created for optimal search experience. It is extremely user friendly in its setup of collaborative knowledge. Growing into one of the top reference websites throughout the world wide web Wikipedia is commonly referred to as a “life saver.”

You can use Wikipedia in a multitude of manners from quick searches to linking of terms. For example if you search for arguably the most powerful person in the world today, Barack Obama, a profile of the 44th president of the United States pops up. It breaks the page up into 9 great sections. Starting with an introduction on top and then detailed subheadings to follow. From his early life to his political career, including pictures, political opinions, family life and cultural videos. The profile for Barack is so extensive that it includes notes on the bottom half of the page to reference the information above as well as suggested further reading. It is remarkable how much knowledge one may obtain from a single web page.

In relation to world politics and analyzing power positions throughout the world Wikipedia plays a tremendous role. It allows a reader of a blog, news article, book reader etc. to add context to the information presented on the other medium of information. Context is perhaps the most important aspect of power. With Wikipedia answers are instant and within 5 minutes a topic can become familiarized and makes it appear as if you were the class nerd. It ultimately makes history a heck of a lot easier to understand without digging through piles of text. The last function Wikipedia does the best is provide further reading and links to sources for additional information. When an individual uses such an application research becomes easy and enjoyable. Politics is extremely complex but web 2.0 tools such as Wikipedia are making the world spin a lot faster and knowledge is flowing with the edit of a volunteer.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

how useful are widget!?!

Widgets are incredibly useful tool that every blog must include in order to be complete. I found a handful of widgets all extremely useful to you my audience. The goal of my blog is not only to inform you about how important it is to have a smart leader in a political position but also to keep you updated on recent events. The blog has recent shifted gears like a 1970's hot rod.

Genocide's are the deadliest events the humanity has ever come across. It strikes emotions not only from non governmental organizations but with the world community as well. Understanding the root of genocide means comprehending the politics behind the position.

News is constantly changing; Political news is frequently being refreshed. With the help of a widget such as this one a research truly the latest news while being able to put this source on an accessible place. A widget can be added to not only a blog, but to a web site or any medium which allows add-ons. The widget I found was created by NDN. The functionality of the widget is very much like a You-Tube but only for political videos. My audience will be able to search for key words such as "President Obama's view on genocide," or "Human Rights Watch," which is also an added bonus. You would also find national organizations and a whole list of perspectives regarding the issue.

I am hopeful that once I add this to my blog and my readers will use it find further detail related to the discussion already taking place. If you need political news and you like the streaming video this widget is for you. My audience, with the help of this widget, will be able to understand the varying aspects that make genocide possible including leadership, game theory,and an assortment of causal factors. I would like to thank NDN for creating such a useful widget and I cannot wait to use it in the future.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


There are many great tools to use which are all made possible thanks to web 2.0. Research areas have skyrocketed tremendously due to the growth of the internet. As i was looking upon I was able to stumble across a political "video search widget." This widget was specifically designed for a user to be able to search for key words and tags in political videos. Whether you are looking for Obama's speech on the economy or political discussion about the health of the environment this widget is there to help you.
The "Video Search Widget" was created by News Distribution Network (NDN). They included a number of patent search methods such as voice recognition technology which allows users to search within videos to find keywords, people and issues.
This widget is composed of the largest collection of professionally syndicated video. It is a great source for those interested in politics to browse the web for news in the form of video. Video in itself offers a distinctive medium of news unlike radio. With video there is a visual aspect that helps a politician connect emotionally with his or her viewers. Transmitting a message is all about timing and appearance. Through the NDN widget I was able to view the most recent news on a personal level.
The idea of a widget is nothing new to the technological world. In fact it has been around for quite some time. For one reason or another I have never come across personally using a widget for informational use. Coming across a widget such as the News Distribution network political video widget is a steal! I will definitely add this widget to my blog so that readers can use it to keep up with the latest political news around the world.
News is constantly changing; Political news is frequently being refreshed. With the help of a widget such as this one a research truly the latest news while being able to put this source on an accessible place. A widget can be added to not only a blog, but to a web site or any medium which allows add-ons.
This widget is also great because it is like a You-Tube but only for political videos. Being able to search for key words is also an added bonus. For example if I was search for news on global warming and type that into the “search” field I would receive a whole range of videos from senators viewpoints on the issue to the president acknowledging the issues at hand and the possibilities that society can unfold. You would also find national organizations and a whole list of perspectives regarding the issue.
I am so excited to add this to my blog and hopefully my readers will use it to discusses further detail as to the material discussed in my blog. If you need political news and you like the streaming video this widget is for you. I would like to thank NDN for creating such a useful widget and I cannot wait to use it in the future.