Monday, February 2, 2009

Personality vs. Honesty

CREATING DRAMATIC VOICE IN YOUR WRITING IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT TO ATTRACTING READERS. By creating a sense of personality a thinker, philosopher, writer or blogger can express character and bring a sentence of words to life. In a blog titled Watch TV Sitcoms, the author writes in form of sarcasm which really makes the topic of discussion exciting to read. For example the title of the blog Watch TV Sitcoms has nothing to with what the author tends to focus his or her topic posts on. Non the less the title draws in the a different audience which soon gets lured in like a fish out of water and indirectly creates power!

In a post title, The Most Powerful People in the World the author is reflecting on the recent Vanity Fair top 50 most powerful people in the world. The first line goes on to:


“Like usual, they came out with bullshit that I don't agree with.”

Bold words for a seemingly powerless person who decided to start blogging. The author later goes on to discuss who he/she feels are the most powerful in society. By switching viewpoints and discussing a testy time for shareholders:

“Today, the stock market vomited… And it was all caused by idiots. Those idiots are the most powerful people in the world.”

With sarcasm and honesty he is correct. Quite frankly, often the most powerful people are those who don’t have enough time in day to count their money nor what to do with all of it.

This author does address this issue of powerful people with a lot of doubt and questions. In truth power is relative, and often society relates power with wealth while others equate power as virtue. This blogger continues his skepticism by listing Vanity Fairs choices for top 50…

“Really? These are the most powerful people in the whole world?. If I haven't even heard of you, how the hell can you be the most powerful person in the world.”

Once again bringing background to the idea that power comes in all shapes and sizes, fields, careers, races and regions of the world. While expressing opinion with this type of writing he really engages the audience to think as he is being brutally honest, as strait forward as Simon from American Idol!

To end the post the author discusses the #1 pick of the powerful… Mr. Putin from Russia… the country Sarah Palin can see from her house!

There is no doubt that Putin is a tough guy…He spent $10 million to kill a guy who he didn't like. And last month, he shot a bear. That man is a psycho… But then again, Dick Cheney shot a person…Well, sort of - he shot a lawyer.

Being blunt can bring the dullest of the audience to their feet. This author inspired bloggers with his honest writing which is hilarious. Who are the most powerful in the world? Not only is power relative to who is judging it but it is also in the hands of some of the most corrupt, money hungry, crazy individuals.

In another post by the same author, If a tree fell on Barack Obama would anybody Hear it? The sarcasm continues….

“Mr. Citizen George W. Bush left Washington DC with his head held high; that is the only way he can see shoes being thrown at him. And Dick Cheney was on a wheelchair. He broke his back trying to lift the price of oil.”

In scrutinizing the last team to leave the white house the audience can see how power is shifted in strong positions. Leaders take power and make the worst of it as seen above with the Dick Cheney example at the expense of others. By not addressing Bush as president but rather a citizen downgrades him and takes away his recognition. Following that line with the shoe comment puts the cherry on top by bringing up the comedy the Arab world made of Mr.Bush.

“He also ordered the CIA to close their secret prisons… Seriously, even Obama does not know where the secret prisons are. And people are complaining that Obama didn't say the word faithfully in his oath… Bush said the oath and you can see what kind of a job he did.”

In comparison to the last post this ends with a critique on the position of power. The author is bringing up how corrupt powerful people really are. With sarcasm and a smirk ok his face I am sure the author wrote that last sentence in that quote… as Leaders don’t always turn out the way they are presented to be!

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