Wednesday, January 28, 2009

TANK ; ) Blog's which match!-Comment Post!

Leadership and power are seen as interchangeable items that go hand in hand; you can't have one without the other. As Understanding the Functions of Management describes strong leadership, "To be seen as a leader, you must be someone that other people want to follow willingly." Vision as well as appearance in the public eye can create immense power for a leader. A strong leader in contrast states what needs to be done regardless of the public opinion on the top as one statesman would agree. But when power turns negative in the forms of Stalin & Hitler people always the approval rating drops as the public cry's, "Why didn't you stop him." America has elected an intelligent leader and for the first time in a while this nation is moving in the "right direction." The direction towards unity and establishing a respected country in the world's eyes. Leadership brings out the best in people during times of crisis and the world awaits at Barack's first few months in office to see which road the course of history will take in American Politics. Leadership is often defined by the support around the power position. Hand-picked an selected individually Obama's Cabinet is up for the task... unlike previous cabinets which sunk America's economy to pits! Leaders grow within themselves once in power but core concepts never change. Ideologies continuously change, moral remain constant, and the world will sit back and watch as todays new leaders form decisions based on their capacity of power.

TANK Analysis; A Profile Blog!

Profiling blog:
Is Obama the Most Famous Living Person Ever?
by Dee Dee Myers
January 27, 2009, 12:47 PM

Dee Dee Myers served as White House Press Secretary for the first two years of the Clinton administration. Myers is in association with the Vanity Fair blog labeled Power and Politics. This blog is kept up to speed with current affairs, as blogs are posted daily.
The blog is frequently viewed and can be noted by the number of comments on this article. Within just a couple of days the blog received almost 200 comments, which is a heavy response in my calculator!

Obama has transformed the definition of American politics and reconstructed the position of power. One man has inspired the nation and instilled pride in American citizens as another-blog post states, “ I cannot describe the feeling of satisfaction.” By leading with charisma and character, based on strong moral justification for what is right President Barack Obama is arguably the most famous person the world has ever seen! Or is this just another look at society captivated by a deceiving leader such as Hitler was? But what makes the world community salivate at the mouth like one of Pavlov’s dogs? Power brings media and Obama is using it to his advantage.

The 44th president of the United States of America has risen to power at a time of crisis. As we all know turmoil times result in leaders receiving extreme amounts of power which taken from the established institutions and placed into the arms of a leader. This blog quoted “Obama is not accomplished yet." Barack is called to be a savior as only Jesus knows how the world will get out of this economic hole society has been digging for quite some time. How long will it take?... Will we ever get out?.. Will Obama be considered our messiah by time re-election hits? It is quite remarkable that he has left no footprints, no good works, no great achievements, no profound words left to show he was there and did anything remarkable at all however he has assumed the highest position in the most powerful country in the world. Has America and possibly the world placed its future in the hands of hope… ha… as we know our new president did write the book Audacity of Hope!

Dee Dee Myers blog strongly correlates with the blog “Power to Influence” based on the theory that people who rise to power in times of crisis not only receive unlimited amounts of power to act but are also beloved. Obama who has not spent enough time in office to make a so called “change” as he so vividly used during his campaign, however he is looked upon with capacity to make an impact. By bringing hope to this land of opportunity he may very well be the most famous person the world has ever seen in a country which not to long ago would not even allow a “colored” individual to eat at a restaurant. Powerful positions draw awareness, especially in Barack’s case due to the concern for the future. The world waits to see how America will act as a leader or as a distraction to the global community.

This blogs is extremely academic as well as professional as it is in association with Vanity Fair one of the nations biggest Magazine’s. It encompasses roughly 75 different contributors to the full blog, which looks in depth at different sub topics under power and politics. These writers are well known and knowledgeable as well as add something very different to the genetics of the blog. By approaching the posts with a sense of media coverage as well as fact based reports it adds some flavor to the blog. In doing so “Politics and Power” draws a lot of attention from people who are interested in politics but from a creative side and ultimately people who want to voice their opinion.

By reading this blog it adds an arts somewhat sarcastic aspect to my outlook on politics. “Politics and power” does bring a sense of powerful marks on history and how society portrays world leaders. “Boy, Washington sure is hopping these days!" Obama Cocktail Hour: President Ready to Seal the Deal. Americans are now viewed with a sense of dignity and politics is changed in this country. Charismatic presidents such as Barack have the ability to leave a great mark on civilization for the better… we’ll just have to wait and see!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

hello world!

A blog which looks back in history to analyze people in power and how they impact the world… either in a positive or negative manner!

Hi my name is tank and I like to focus on politics and power. Recently I have had a chance to learn about some of the most powerful and interesting people the world has ever seen. I am writing this blog with the specific intention to take a deeper look at some of the worlds most powerful leaders how they may use their position. The study of power has many unique elements which affects the decisions a leader will make. Money is to economics as power is to politics. Power can be cruel, kind, viscous and friendly but it is ultimately power that drives influence or lack there of. The power relationship between those who are ruled and the ruler is critical to the road for the future. If society is uneducated and does not question where power is dispersed one cannot understand the actions of their leader which can be devastating.

I am writing this blog with the intent to draw awareness to the idea of “Power” and what leaders do with it once they have risen to the top. I plan to take a look back at rulers throughout history which have been given power and used it in either a great way or with a disastrous path. From the beginning of time it can be seen that the rulers are few and powerful with large influence while the masses are left with little to no power and the slightest bit of influence. The basic element of leadership is power and power fluctuates either radically or gradually. Power is given to people to make change in when times are rough. However power is also taken back from leaders to institutions when the dust settles. At the end of this blog I hope to educate my readers and fellow blogger's about the relationships of power and strategic outcome.

This blog is meant to be aimed at the general audience and public throughout society. I am writing this blog not as a writing assignment but because this issue means something to me. Power is everywhere and the goal of this blog is to bring awareness to who has the power and what that individual or group does with it. In times of crisis leaders, such as President Obama, become immensely powerful. Throughout history leaders such as Mussolini, Lenin, Stalin, and FDR are all products of crisis situations. Society must be aware of this and learn from our mistakes. Some leaders use their power wisely and it becomes a blessing for the world community, while others may abuse their power and the world suffers from its viciousness.

My blog will entice society to take a deeper look at which leaders are justifying their powerful positions in a positive manner. Throughout this blog I hope that this series of writing will create questions and teach individuals to look deeper into who is ruling in this world. This blog will be written for the perspective of a skeptic and a citizen observing the course of history. As we all know history repeats itself, but it is our duty to learn from mistakes and analyze who is making decision which will change society’s future for the better or worse!