There are multiple different categories of a topio. The following is a breakdown in relation to my brainstorming: the different categories allow for a wide range of ideas to flow interconnected of the main topic. By approach the pre-writing phase with a topio it results in similar outcomes to a bubble exercise. Non the less it is a fun exercise which makes the writing process more interactive and adds new elements to simply “writing.” Going beyond the norm is what draws readers to a brilliant writer.
Topic: Genocide. Genocide has been taking place in the world as long as human civilization has lived in a communal setting of a ruler and the ruled. Genocide has left its mark on the history of the world and is a direct result of what happens when leaders have the capacity to carry out their will amongst the “ghminde” (followers) without objection. The concept of a harsh ruler is what legitimizes rulers by striking fear into the hearts of the ruled. There is another dimension to genocide that needs to be revealed relating the psychological profile of the ruler to his or her actions.
Subtopic: Killing to create power. Do leaders kill based on their insecurities of losing legitimacy? Or do leaders chose to kill to feel more powerful? Does psychology and experience in the youth of these leaders really affect the way they rule in the future? In regards to leadership one cannot be thought the essential of becoming a good leader; it is the environmental setting which naturally produces this outcome. However the experiences one draws in the young stages of life do dramatically impact a leaders ability to responsibly govern a country.
The next category to stem my topio from would be value. What is the value of a ruler versus the value of the people he or she commits genocide against. The value of the human life is by far the most important and sacred thing in this universe. The world must try to prevent genocides from taking place in the future. Does the message set forth through mass killings fear the public that they will simply obey the suppressive ruler? The value of obedience seems to come into play. The value of culture that is so often tried to be destroyed via the acts of genocide. A group of people, a sense of pride, an identity targeted.
Contrast is another branch of the expanding topio. Killing is in the natural setting of the universal. Is it simply survival of the fittest? Or does the aspect of value bring human life more than just a small thing in the greater aspect of the universe. Why is genocide so different than other types of murders? What is the differences between the genocides which have already taken place.
Cause and effect aspect of the topio has a lot in common with change. Both dimensions can go hand in hand in relation to the topic of genocide. First off What causes leaders to want to kill. What is the motivation which triggers their psyches’ to snap. This is a great question that psychologists such as Eric Erickson strive to answer. The elements of what causes a leader to use his autonomy to carry out mass murder have been linked strongly to childhood development. Rejection as a child, seclusion and revenge in the adolescent stages often cause those who obtain power to become brutal and overcompensate for past experiences.
The effects of genocide are devastating. It attempts to destroy and whole group of people, its culture, traditions and ways of life. Genocide has the biggest effect of changing the course of history. In the case of the Armenian genocide it has set back the Armenian race hundreds of years as a large majority of the “successful,” educated, top elites were massacred. The Cambodians were also heavily hurt by the vicious hand of Pol Pot. The effects of genocide are too large for the world community to sit back and watch as leaders abuse their power and use it to harm the nation they stand to represent.
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